
1/28 博士論文提出 [日記]

January 25, I handed in my dissertation finally.[グッド(上向き矢印)]

I had written it for about 3 years. And I had looked it over again and again.

I felt quite relieved, but I felt lonely a little. Because I love my dissertation, so what I part with it makes me lonely.

From February, an examining committee will start judging my dissertation.

And maybe a public hearing will be held on May.
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1/6 明治神宮参拝 [日記]

A HAPPY NEW YEAR[exclamation]

I went to pray Meiji-Jingu shrine. There were sooo many people.

I pray that my dissertation will pass and I can get a doctorate, and more I'll become an assistant lecturer


Anyhow, I have to hand in my dissertation on January 31.

And if it'll pass, I'll take a test to be an assistant lecturer.

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